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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Inspiration Giveaway--and "On Spec" Versus "On Assignment"

Most of my freelance work is done on assignment, working for clients who have already hired me to craft an article, write a blog post, or ghostwrite a book. (That's different from writing "on speculation," or "on spec," where you write something without a formal assignment and then hope to sell it.)

Yet I do make time for what I call "projects of the heart." I write essays occasionally and hope that I'll be able to sell them, and when I do place one, I'm thrilled. I don't always know that I'll be able to sell an essay, but writing them lets me express myself and write in my own voice, not that of a client or market. It's a bonus when I sell one and see it published.

Years ago, I wrote a essay on writer's block that I sold to The Writer; it was reprinted in the ASJA Monthly. I forgot about the piece until last year, when I saw that Chicken Soup for the Soul Inspiration for Writers was soliciting submissions. I sent it in, and forgot about it again--until I learned that it had been selected for publication. The book just came out. Now I've got another check and another credit--plus a few complimentary copies I can pass on to readers.

So I'm doing another giveaway! Have you been meaning to buy the print edition of Dollars and Deadlines: Make Money Writing Articles for Print and Online Markets, or Six-Figure Freelancing: The Writer's Guide to Making More Money, Second Edition, but been putting it off? Make today the day.

Buy either (or both!) book for the next few days directly from my new company, Improvise Press, and you'll have a chance to win a FREE copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul Inspiration for Writers. It's chockfull of 101 motivational stories by both budding and bestselling writers that will help keep you in the game.

And remember to use the discount code, IMPROVISEPRESS (all caps/no breaks) for 20% off of your order, which makes it cheaper than buying from Amazon. The discount is only available for a limited time when you buy directly from ImprovisePress.

**My mention of "on spec" versus "on assignment" made me realize I'm due for a post on some publishing terms every writer should know. Stay tuned!

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